Ginanta Wija Pratama, Management Study Program (Bachelor Program), Muhammadiyah Cilacap College of Economics, Effects of Islamic Work Motivation, Discipline, and Work Environment on Employee Performance on PT Elang Puspita Karya. With supervisor I Rustina Dewi, S.E, M.Si and supervisor II Mustabihatun Umriyah, S.E, M.Si.
In this era, employee performance has a very important role in supporting company activities. That is because if every employee performs well, the business activities carried out will develop better than before. Referring to the background and theories about employee performance, this study aims to examine the Effect of Islamic Work Motivation, Discipline andJob satisfaction on Employee Performance at PT Elang Puspit Karya.
This research was conducted at PT Elang Puspita Karya. The number of respondents determined was 60 people. As an independent variable, namely Islamic work motivation, work discipline, work environment, and the dependent variable is employee performance. The analysis used includes validity test, reliability test, MSI (Method Successive Interval), classic assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing.
Based on the results of the T test on the first hypothesis Islamic work motivation variables obtained value of Tcount