AfifahAzmiRozanah,ManagementDepartmentāBachelorProgram,STIE Muhammadiyah Cilacap, The Influence of Coaching, Training, Managementand Development in Human Resource Management for Islamic Work Ethic theemployeeKSPPSBMTBinaUmatSejahteraTegal.Thisresearchwasaccompanied and guided by the supervisor I I Rustina Dewi, SE, M.Si and thesupervisorIIH.Sudiyono,SE,M.Si. ThisresearchhaspurposetoexamineCoaching(X1),Training(X2),Management (X3) and Development (X4) in Human Resource Management forIslamic Work Ethic the employee KSPPS BMT Bina Umat Sejahtera Tegal. Thepopulation and the sample in this research is 50 employee of KSPPS BMT BinaUmat Sejahtera Tegal. To get the sample in this research, the researcher used allemployee of KSPPS BMT Bina Umat Sejahtera Tegal which has total number 50employee.Thecollectingdatatechniqueusedquestioner.Analysisprerequisitetest covered normality test, multi colinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, parcialtest(t) and simultan test (f). The analyzing data technique uses multiple linearregressions. The result of this research showed that (1) The coaching MSDI do notaffect significantly for Islamic Work Ethic the employee KSPPS BMT Bina UmatSejahteraTegalwitht-count(0,873)issmallerthant-table(2,014)anditssignificant score is bigger than 0,05 which is 0,553, (2) The training MSDI do notaffect for Islamic Work Ethic the employee KSPPS BMT Bina Umat SejahteraTegalwitht-countis smaller than t-table (0,597)and its significant score is(2,014) bigger than 0,05 which is 0,553, (3) The management MSDI do not affectsignificantlyforIslamicWorkEthictheemployeeKSPPSBMTBinaUmatSejahteraTegalwitht-count(1,434)issmallerthant-table(2,014)anditssignificant score is bigger that 0,05 which is 0,159, (4) The development of MSDIaffects significantly for Islamic Work Ethic the employee KSPPS BMT Bina UmatSejahteraTegalwitht-count(2,639)isbiggerthant-table(2,014)anditssignificant score is smaller that 0,05 which is 0,01, (5) Coaching (X1), Training(X2), Management (X3) and Development (X4) affects simultaneously for IslamicWork Ethic the employee KSPPS BMT Bina Umat Sejahtera Tegal with t-count(16,108) is bigger than t-table (2,57) and its significant score is smaller that 0,05which is 0,00 Keywords: coaching human resources, training human resources, management ofhuman resources, development of human resources, Islamic Work Ethic for theemployee