Dewi Rizki Septiani, Accounting Study Program (Bachelor Program), College of Economics (STIE) Muhammadiyah Cilacap, Effect of Inflation, Exchange Rate and BI Rate on Mudharabah Savings Fund Collection at Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI). Supervisor I Tri Nurindahyani Yulian, S.E, M.Si, A.k and Supervisor II Wignyo Mudiharso, S.Kom, S.E, M.Ak. This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of Inflation (X1), Exchange Rate (X2) and BI Rate (X3) on Mudharabah Savings Funds at Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI). The sampling technique in this research is purposive sampling. Data analysis techniques used include descriptive analysis test, classical assumption test includes normality test, multicollinearity test and heteroscedasticity test, autocorrelation test, hypothesis testing includes multiple linear regression test, test of the coefficient of determination (R2), t test and F test. The results showed that inflation had no significant effect on the collection of Mudharabah Savings Funds with a significance value of 0.138 > 0.05. The exchange rate has a significant effect on the collection of Mudharabah Savings Funds with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05. The BI Rate has no significant effect on Mudharabah Savings Funds with a significance value of 0.089 > 0.05. Keywords: Inflation, Exchange Rate, BI Rate and Savings Funds Mudharabah