Indonesia is a country with the most population. With a very dense population and a lack of job opportunities, it encourages people to open business opportunities (MSMEs). MSMEs are business entities that play a strategic role in improving the national economy. The increasing number of MSMEs in Indonesia increases competition in sales. The company's success in maintaining the continuity of its product sales lies in the ability to have a strategy This study used a sample of 111 respondents using the slovin formula because the population size is known. The data collection technique was carried out by distributing questionnaires. Data analysis techniques used include validity test, reliability test, Method Successive Interval (MSI), classic assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing including t test and F test, analysis of the coefficient of determination (R2). The results showed that: (1) market orientation has no positive effect on the marketing performance of MSMEs in the city of Cilacap; (2) entrepreneurial orientation has a positive effect on the marketing performance of MSMEs in the city of Cilacap; (3) product quality has a positive effect on buying interest in the marketing performance of MSMEs in the city of Cilacap; (4) market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation and product quality simultaneously have a positive effect on the marketing performance of MSMEs in the city of Cilacap. Keywords: Market Orientation, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Product Quality, Marketing Performance